Do professional sales people need a great Headshot?
I received a call from a medical supply company. We’re doing a big trade show in Toronto and we want to personalize our company. Can you do a headshot or two so that we can use it in a brochure we are handing out to visitors ? Yes… that’s a great idea and yes professional sales people need a great HEADshot.
Electronic printing has made it easy to personalize your show booth. This will make your sales people more memorable in the process.
You can customize your literature and remind visitors of the sales people they met. A good, confident, friendly and professional looking headshot will help with follow up calls.
Total cost, depending on how many you print, nothing compared to the sales returns. What a great follow up tool too. Here is a couple of examples of what these photos would look like for a medical company here in Ottawa.
If you are interested in having professional HEADShots of your sales people for marketing brochures contact us here.