A big part of what I do is Team Headshots. These are team headshots are where I come to you. One of the most popular questions I get is what space is required for team headshot shoots?
I bring all of the equipment that I use in my studio which means that everything will be the same. There is no headshots – lite. Meaning coming to you doesn’t change the equipment quality.
I need a space that is approximately 10 x 20 feet. A boardroom, large office or sometimes the foyer of an office building usually works great. There needs to be an electrical outlet for my computer and we can’t really have direct sunlight through a window.
I’ve worked in foyers of office buildings and that space just outside the giant meeting room at a hotel. I’ve gotten to use an empty store at the cities largest shopping centre and the living room of a medical retreat cottage in the Gatineau hills.
Here are some examples of where I have done Team Shoots:
If you have questions about your space I suggest we talk. In a short conversation we can usually make a plan for a space you have. If not I’ll offer some alternatives.